Teach me to be a
Not like the warriors
that were suitable for yester-wars
Teach me to fight
Not with the papers
that are stacked up in the walls
Teach me to love my
writing and reach for what it's not yet
Gently like the dripping
of cream and everything sweet
Teach me to cherish
my solitude
Please don’t tell me
tell I have failed
Nor give up on me because
you can
Teach me to be here
Available and
Teach me to candidly
cherish my weakness and the sight of things that are yet to be learned
Tell me that I am
strong, that you believe
Teach me that I can
believe too
Don’t use hostility
on me
Hostility kills
students and dreams
It kills difference
and diversity
It makes us shrink
our creativity
But do not be silent,
it only means you are absent
Teach me to be the
way I am
But tell me the truth
Not the things that
others have said
Teach me the beauty
of arguments and of taking sides
But tell me that I
can have a side of my own too
Teach me to hold unto
my faith in the world
Teach me to stay up
late at night because I enjoy the eroticism of studying
Don’t scare me with
failing because there is no such thing
Teach me to listen,
but tell me I have the right to disagree
Look on my dream as
equally valid
Validate me, but be
honest too, I am at your feet
Don’t crush me with
the trophies that mean nothing to me
Teach me that its
more important to learn than to compete
Don’t make me cry on
your watch
Don’t make me regret
my questioning
Teach me that heroes
should not be clones of each other
And not every gifting
is marked in terms of red and blue
Make this training
ordinary as opposed to herculean
Because the
extraordinaries are really in owning the simpler things
Teach me to be a
lawyer like me
Not a clone of
yourself or others
Inspire me to return
to you
Teach me to enjoy the
depths of not-knowing enough
And make it
pleasurable to reach out
Teach me to love
Tell me that I can
Tell me you believe
So that I can believe
The roads have
brought us here
Please don’t get in
the way, teach me
Please don’t be a
scare, teach me
These are things I’d
love to learn
The things I can’t
say to myself, yet.