Saturday 16 April 2016

Tsilikin's Secret

Russia's Dmitry Tsilikin: Gay journalist stabbed to death a dozen times in St. Petersburg

An open heart knows no fear
But the warmth of loving
And warmth of a sincere tear
Like the gay Tsilikin
Whose heart was hushed
For a secret he did not create
'But the streets are crazy
And it could be anyone'
Anyone who has a secret to keep
Anyone from Nigeria, Russia, Uganda even South Africa
Anyone whose pink heart beats differently
Anyone curious and wanting
Anyone like Russia's Tskilikin
Your death means that we can die
And this should make the world think, see
The hushing of a heart is an evil with a vile stink
Whether its a deep red or the colour of velvet pink
That the streets and our homes close in on us
Because the conversations have exposed us
The media and technology have made us real
And our open hearts have made us vulnerable
Made us cry for a secret we did not create
Like the dark skin of a simple boy
And the gender of an underschooled girl
The story of an unscathed victim
And the secret of a hushed Tsilikin
In a world where death does not begin or end with the knife
But with hateful words and dangerous silence
With neglect and delibrate ignorance
Hushed affections and miscarried friendships
And anyone could be a victim
From Akinfessi to Tsilikin to...?
Who next, since it's you who is chosing

Image and more information sourced from:

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